Serving Christ with Joy!

Serving Christ With Joy!

Saturday, 17 September 2016

July 2016

“Kitchen renos! That’s great! Are you doing it yourself?”

This is what I was asked when I said no international travel this summer. (Boy, does this person even know me?)  

“Er… yes…. if cupboards can stay on the wall with Crazy Glue and duct tape.”

I know it’s not a 30 or 60 minute HGTV world and there’s more to be more concerned about than “just the pretty stuff” like cabinetry finishes, countertops, handle choices, (backsplash next year). There’s the practical layout (that’s what started the whole thing), and then there’s things like demolition, mechanical and electrical, timelines, budget. I’m thankful to have a designer and other experts to help me learn and make good decisions. 4-6 weeks for cabinetry, 4 weeks for countertops. Ideally, it’ll be done by Labour Day weekend.

Through the process, my summer readings and Bible study, and as I’ve been praying about Fall 2016 at King’s (Year 5!), this verse has frequently come back to me…

Unless the Lord builds the house
Its builders labour in vain
Unless the Lord watches over the city
Its watchmen stand guard in vain
Psalm 127:1

What relief! I am not the architect, not even the general contractor. I am a “tradesperson” to a discipleship and mentoring ministry to young adults in a university setting. I only need to show up “at the site” with a well-equipped tool belt and let God direct me to where those tools of skills and knowledge can be used. Maybe there’s a new foundation to be laid, a new structure on an existing one; maybe I’ll be working on a renovation, like adding a room, or dealing with some (spiritual) black mould or bad electrical behind the visible wall. *

Or, as in 1 Peter 2:5
    …. you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ...

So  I’m God’s stone carver (just as others are mine), and I am working on his spiritual house.**
May your July and August (continue to) be filled with “R”s- rest, relaxation, renewal and restoration (even for you parents with school aged children) as I work on renovations.

Summer day blessings!

*Have I pushed the analogy far enough?

**It is a common practice in Inuit soapstone art, that the carver will study the stone and the strip away the excess to allow the stone’s spirit to emerge.

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