Hi Everyone!
In short- It’s been a great first month of the new term!
Sunday’s Bible Study
There has been a (thankfully natural) editing process so a few from last term have dropped out, but it’s made room for one new committed participant and a few new potentials who’ll drop in for lunch and a study in the next few weeks. Wonderful! I’ve also planned a few “hospitality” Sundays when there are no men’s afternoon studies. This is to invite yet-to-be-believers to church and lunch. The two Sundays of Reading Week, I hope to host some of the residence students.
These too have changed with the winter term. Scheduling meetings has been a challenge, but like the study, opportunities to meet new people have come up. I love that God gives me guys who are-yet-to-be-believers who are willing to talk with me! Like years past, it’s easy to justify another full day on campus, but I know that’s asking for burnout.
Discipleship Group
I mentioned this in my last update- the possibility of starting a group to develop a vision and skills for a discipleship ministry. I’ve personally recruited a group that will meet biweekly on Saturdays- 2 women and 6 men. We will use the book “Jesus Christ DiscipleMaker” by Bill Hull as a basis for our time together. We had our first meeting Saturday (Feb 6th) and it was great! They are an enthusiastic and committed group with a heart to learn and eager to apply! It’s exciting to see the first and second years that are involved, and the potential of a few years of investing in them.
“Emotionally Healthy Spirituality”.
The book by Peter Scazerro has been the basis for the teaching series at my home church. It has also been a part of my own journey of emotional health and spiritual maturity. I had an opportunity to present on this theme during “Mental Health Awareness” week. It has brought up good conversations with students I meet with and impromptu opportunities, some inquiries about the book and some interest in going through the group study material individually or in a group setting.
Prayer Requests
1) Continue to build deepening relationships with all those I meet both regularly, occasionally and incidentally.
2) The Saturday morning discipleship group will be the basis of a ministry “team” for upcoming years
3) That in my love for busyness, that I intentionally seek the quiet times with/for God and with/for myself.
Tax Receipts
A reminder that if you have been a part of my financial support team in the last calendar year through CanadaHelps.org, your tax receipt will be available to you online. If you have been a part through Calvary Baptist Church, tax receipts will be mailed to you.
Thanks for your interest in God’s work at King’s!
Spiritual Mentor and Life Coach
King's University in partnership with Calvary Baptist Church
PS Please send me a note if you are receiving more than one copy of this email. My address book is a bit of a mess. Thanks!