Happy New Year!
‘Tis the Season’.... and for university students, the month of December is a mix of tension and delayed gratification- end of term assignments and (dreaded) finals before fully engaging in the Christmas spirit. For many, it came before the last day of exams on December 18th; for others, right (write) to the bitter end.
For me, the break has given me a chance for review- of highlights and lowlights and thoughts for the new term.
Back in September, my prayer requests were that
- God would give me many opportunities to meet new and returning students
- He would lead me to those (new and/or returning students) with a heart to be intentional about their walk with Jesus and to be discipled
- He would show me how to invest in returning students, particularly those in their final year.
I see He’s answered those prayers!
Sunday Bible study in Luke. It has been wonderful to see the past members continuing to be engaged by the material and the new members taking on the challenges of the Bible study prep, sharing and accountability to daily devotions and scripture memory.
One-on-ones. Like the study, these have been great times. For some, it’s been affirming where they have been with God and where they are going; for others, it’s been challenging them in new areas of personal responsibility or for healing in areas of woundedness (language I would not have used seven years ago when I started at King’s.)
Engaging not-yet-believers (can I shorten this to NYBs?). This is the first year that God has given me the opportunity to engage with more of this demographic than any other. Some are just impromptu/ ”drive by” conversations throughout the building; others have started to meet with me on a weekly basis. I’m humbled by the trust, the disclosure, the privilege to pray for them (with their permission.)
The biggest challenge for me has been those few who committed to the Sunday study and/or one-on-ones, but had poor or inconsistent attendance and accountability to the “standards.” Of course, there are unavoidable situations, but I’ve had to ask some of them if this is the “best fit” for them- drawing parallels to playing community or league (casual or committed) soccer (yes, I resort to sports analogies!)
Looking ahead.
Much of the new year will look the same but I hope to start a
New Discipleship Leadership Group.
I am considering starting a mixed (men and women) group to develop content, skills and ultimately a vision through exposure of content and skills to be disciplemakers/labourers. This is the first year that I’ve found so many keen first and second years, but also continue the work with those from last year who will be graduating. I want to see God launch not only disciples but also disciplemakers into the world- you know, that Great Commission command.
Thank you for your investment in God’s work at King’s and the next generation of believers! May we all see God move in our lives through 2016.
Spiritual Mentor and Life Coach
King's University in partnership with Calvary Baptist Church