Serving Christ with Joy!

Serving Christ With Joy!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

First posting: April 25, 2013

It's hard to find an efficient and effective way of sharing the last eight months. As a starting point,  I have posted the report I submitted for the Annual General Meeting of Calvary in March. This was also submitted to the Vice President of Student Life at King's.

King's University
Submitted by Bob Foo

There have been some significant changes in this ministry, predominately impacted by my new partnership position between Calvary and King's beginning in the fall.

January to April
In January, the Sunday men's group continued with a study of Ephesians using the LifeChange Series, to integrate with the Sunday teaching series. The men continued to be accountable for practical applications from the study, Quietimes/Devotions, scripture memory and personal issues in the weekly one-on-one mentoring times.

As the study closed in March, the participants wrote letters of reference and one student wrote a proposal to the Dean of Student Life, suggesting a position for me on campus. Through the summer, I met with Eric McIntosh and he was supportive of the idea, but financially, the best way was through a partnership with Calvary, which Dan Sadowski and leadership supported. I was given the title of “Spiritual Mentor and Life Coach”, and allowed full access to students and campus facilities.

At the start of the fall term, I attended first-year orientation and the weekend retreat, meeting new students and through the next two weeks, returning students. By mid-September, I had eight men who signed up for my Bible study (only one returning from last year's study, and one not attending King's), wanting to be intentional in their spiritual growth and development. I also had five who were interested in meeting with me individually but could not attend the study. 

So, as in the past four years, my Sunday study met right after second service and after lunch, had time to review memory verses in pairs ( we're using the Topical Memory System), shared devotions (we are all on the 5x5x5 reading program) and then discussed the study material prepared through the week. There was time for sharing prayer requests specific, but not limited to, application(s) from the study, and then time in prayer. We typically finished by 4pm. 

Through the week I met with each of the participants for 60-90 minutes, as well as those not in the study. This was an opportunity to talk about their success and challenges in their spiritual disciplines, how faith was intersecting life in areas such as character, integrity, relationships and their ministry opportunities, and with life skills such as time management, study skills, career planning and finances. Although I was hesitant to take my title, it has become quite fitting. 

Throughout the other times i.e. before, after and between appointments, I introduced myself and/or acquainted myself with other students- having conversations about their programs, personal background and when appropriate, to ask about their spiritual journeys. I see this as seeding opportunities for the future- whether with non-believers, new believers, those who have "grown up in the Christian community but not taken ownership of their faith" (as one student describes), or those who have intentionality but have not found the resources to assist in their pursuit. 

Looking Ahead- January 2013 and onward

The Sunday group has grown with one returning member. This past term we did Eric Idleman's Not A Fan- which was challenging, but we agreed there wasn't enough content for the amount of reading. The group agreed they wanted to study a book of the Bible and to be challenged to dig deeper into the scriptures. We will be doing a study on James, using the Navigators' LifeChange Series. We will continue with the accountability for devotions, scripture memory, and prayer support. 
I continue to meet with them (eight) and the others (six) on an individual basis to have those conversations and prayer time to see transformation in their lives (Romans 12:2.) 
In January I started co-leading a Thursday night study using the same James curriculum to support the student leader. It also gives me an opportunity to train him in effective group leadership. I have met with most of them individually and a few have come forward asking for regular weekly meetings.
I continue to be a resource to the student leadership of King's who approach me as they see need. Student leadership positions have been chosen for the fall and a number of students have approached me for weekly meetings.  
I continue to encourage all students to attend Calvary using the shuttle bus or personal means, and to consider it their home church for the remainder of the school year, and hopefully into the future.