Serving Christ with Joy!

Serving Christ With Joy!

Monday, 17 March 2014

Sixth Posting March 17, 2014

Dear Friends, 

I asked some of the guys to reflect on our time together. Here are a few highlights…

“Meeting with Bob each week is always an encouragement, and it is good to have someone that I can confide in and ask advice of. Last year he spent many weeks teaching me how to lead a Bible study, and that has really helped me as I led my own this year..." 

”He gives me a much needed second opinion that I usually don't get. We also are able to talk about stuff that I usually wouldn't be able to with anyone else... "

“ ... a highlight of my week. It's nice to talk through things that you otherwise would not have the chance to talk about. He helps me think critically about both my faith and other aspects in my life... "

“Meeting times with Bob are a great opportunity to take time from the business of life to just talk. Whether the discussion is on spiritual or more mundane practical matters Bob always has helpful advice and a unique insight. Between the honest personal reflections discussions with Bob and the spiritual disciplines he encourages I can honestly say I have grown greatly in spiritual life and maturity thanks to his influence.

It’s good to know I bring more to the table than just food!

This term:
Sunday study: We have one additional student who brings a fresh and challenging perspective as we work through Philippians. We have had many conversations about our identity in, and identifying with Christ, being "citizens of heaven", and allowing transformation to take place in our lives. I continue to meet with each one weekly. 
One-on-ones: Bible study, book content and the ever-changing challenges of life provide a good basis for weekly continuity and conversation. I appreciate my years of hearing and assessing needs and creating "individualized programming" in the classroom, as it's useful in working with these individuals. 
Other: It has been great to see Andrew take on his first year study group with enthusiasm and success! The feedback from the participants is very encouraging. We have already discussed study options for next year. 
I was invited to join the Student Life staff  to participate in three days of "Strength Finders" training, a questionnaire to help individuals see their 5 major strengths (out of 34) and how it can be effectively used for themselves, in a team setting and potentially helping others. Prior to fall registration, all first years will have done the survey and this information will help us and other departments counsel in academic and personal growth. 
The term will close at the end of April with grad on May 3rd. Each year there is a growing percentage of students I know who are crossing the stage (and the most engaging of all convocations I've been to.) How exciting to see these student launch into their next chapter of life!

  • to see the students finish strong and motivated to continue over the summer with what they've learned, particularly for those leaving town to go home
  • for boldness that the students would freely share their growth in their spheres of influence over the summer

Financial Update: Starting in Februrary, the Department of Student Life has supported my hospitality budget (what do you expect with 75% of my name being "foo-d"!) with gift cards from the local IGA. This has been helpful but my support continues to be around the 40% level. Would you consider joining my support team and/or sending a one-time gift? 

Final Notes: 

  • I have struggled to answer the question, "What do people want to read in an update? How do I report "progress"? What proves/justifies/validates my time on campus? Numbers? Content? What is helpful and beneficial to you the reader? Your input is very helpful! Please feel free to email me back with any comments (concerns, criticisms, (compliments?).) 
  • If you would like to be removed from this list, please email me. 

All for the Kingdom!

Spiritual Mentor and Life Coach
King's University College
in partnership with Calvary Baptist Church