Late Happy New Year and Late Happy Chinese New Year!*
He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.
Colossians 1:28,29
This is what I hope I for the young men I work with- that I may be part of God’s process in this season of their lives to present them fully mature in Christ. And this is what I hope for me- that I am admonishing and teaching with all wisdom (but “all wisdom” is one BIG CHALLENGE!) So, building on New Year’s Resolution momentum, I start our first meetings with them reflecting on the previous semester/year to set new goals for this semester- what was good, what could be better- using Luke 2:52- “And Jesus grew in wisdom (academics) and stature (physical), and in favour with God and man." How do they want to see God mature them and what can I do to assist in the process?
The language of transformation is too optimistic for psychology. At one time psychotherapists dared to use the bold language of cure. With more modesty, most now speak of aiding growth. Some simply think in terms of helping adjustment and coping. But the language of transformation is profoundly Christian… the goal of the spiritual journey is being transformed into the image of God- the image we were created to reflect (2 Cor 3:18.) Christian transformation never settles for cosmetic adjustments. It involves being reborn- remade into who we were destined from eternity to be.
“Surrender to Love” David G. Benner p. 70
Students who meet with me aren’t interested in “cosmetic adjustments” but Christian transformation- to be "remade into who they were destined from eternity to be." I can say the same for the new ones that have joined me this term in Bible study and meetings, making both my dining table and schedule jam-packed!
Please pray that God gives me insight into the students I meet with, I appreciate the unique workmanship He has made him, and how to draw them deeper into a more intimate relationship with Jesus to see true transformation.
Thank you for your continued interest and support!
* and this late January update. Got sick the last week and it was/is bad on campus too… Statistically, Alberta Health Services has determined residence with an “outbreak” status and campus has been a ghost town of students, faculty and staff.